

26 January, 2024

50 years of local watchmaking

A LOCAL watch maker has ticked off a major milestone last Sunday, celebrating 50 years in the job.

By Support Team

Ticking over a milestone: Colin Brian has marked a special milestone for his career.
Ticking over a milestone: Colin Brian has marked a special milestone for his career.

Colin Brian, who works at Showcase Jewellers as a watch maker and is a SES volunteer, began working in the field on January 21, 1973.

Mr Brian said he saw the job advertised in the local newspaper and was quick to apply for it.

“That’s honest; I was playing around with clocks at home, and this job came up, so I took it. And I’m still here,” he said.

Mr Brian was surprised on Monday when he received a morning tea from two previous employees Ann and Karen.

He said Ann was the first to be employed when the store was owned by Jim and Gwen, with Karen following after. The pair searched on Facebook to workout his age, finding out he had reached the milestone by chance.

“They were wanting to know how old I was, so they checked me out on Facebook,” Mr Brian said.

“My profile was wrong, and I didn’t realise that until today.

“Just a misunderstanding between Ann and Karen…and my Facebook profile.”

Mr Brian said he has enjoyed being able to interact with a variety of different people while working, and also enjoys the physical aspects of the job as well.

“Repairing old clocks, getting some good watches going up in the times, and the general public,” he said.

“Dealing with the public has been going reasonably well.

“I get along with most of the people.”

Mr Brian said he wasn’t sure what to expect for the future, opting to jokingly answer to those who ask “retirement”.

“I’ve been working 50 years, so I don’t know what I’m going to do,” he said.

“I haven’t even thought about retiring even though I’m getting older.”


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