General News
28 September, 2023
All sorts of fantastical things
AUSTRALIA’S largest medieval battle game and live action roleplay (LARP) event, Swordcraft, descended on Pomborneit this week, bringing with it knights, orcs, elves and monsters.

AUSTRALIA’S largest medieval battle game and live action roleplay (LARP) event, Swordcraft, descended on Pomborneit this week, bringing with it knights, orcs, elves and monsters.
Created in 2011, Swordcraft offers people an opportunity to engage in a fantasy realm based on medieval times, speak with like-minded people, and take part in a variety of activities.
The week-long event at Pomborneit is one of the various quests – camping events held each year in a variety of locations across Australia.
Swordcraft president Jeff Krins said the ‘quest’ allows people to dress up in costume, fight with foam weapons and have “a lot of fun”.
“Our amour is real, but our weapons are soft,” he said.
“It’s also very much about people just hanging out together, having fun.
“We have shops and markets; some of them are selling real-world things and some of them are selling pretend things.
“We have games going on, adventures and quests…all sorts of fantastical things.”
Mr Krins described the event as “a bit like The Witcher or Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones or something like that but for real”.
“It’s something that pretty much anyone can have a go at,” he said.
“I’m one of the oldest players at 51.
“We have kids from 15 who can participate in all the things.
“Then we have younger kids who are just being street urchins and buskers, having a lot of fun.”
Mr Krins said the community was positive and welcoming.
“We don’t believe in excluding people, it’s about lifting each other up,” he said.
The event is the second quest held at Pomborneit.
Mr Krins said Swordcraft is keen to continue holding quests at the site and make it their new home.
“We’ve previously used things like scout camps, whereas this is a place we can call our own and we can create an environment that’s easy to imagine you’re transported to 500 years ago or more,” he said.
“We have these stone walls all over the place, which are very much something that is very atmospheric.
“The bush here is just beautiful, and we have people just really loving the place.”
Mr Krins said people of all ages and abilities are welcome to either join as a member or simply check out the event.
“We’re very welcoming of people who might have mobility issue and so on,” he said.
“Then we also have people who take their fighting very seriously; they’ve done all sorts of training in eastern and western martial arts and historical swordplay.
“We also have people who, for example, want to do magic and play out that kind of fantasy. We have places for them too.”
Mr Krins said people are welcome to have a look at the campsite.
“You’ve got to be in costume to do it, but it can be a basic costume,” he said.
“It’s certainly possible to just come and check it out.”
Some of Swordcraft’s younger LARPers shared some of their favourite parts of quests with the Camperdown Chronicle.
Connor Dalton said his favourite part was getting trinkets.
“It’s really fun because I get to meet new people and have some fun,” he said.
Josephine Krins said she liked how children are able to do jobs.
“Even kids can earn coppers and silvers and maybe even gold,” she said.
“That’s really good, especially as we can have our own money.”
Abi Krins said she loves busking.
“I really like busking on the streets and making money like that,” she said.
“I also like the horse and cart rides and all the ye olden day stuff as well.”