20 September, 2024
Ballot drawn for one ward
THE ballot for Corangamite Shire Council’s upcoming election has been drawn for the Tandarook Ward, which is the only ward being contested.

The ballot draw was held on Wednesday morning at the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) election office in Camperdown.
The remaining six wards were uncontested, meaning ballots were not needed.
A VEC spokesperson said the remaining six wards were uncontested, since there was one nominee named and one position available.
“What occurs in that circumstance is that that person will be provisionally be the person that will represent that ward,” the spokesperson said.
“In terms of the voters that are eligible to vote in those wards, they will receive a leaflet from the VEC in October to explain they do not need to vote as there is only one candidate standing for their ward and one position available.
“For six of the seven wards in the Corangamite Shire Council, that will be the case.
“For the one ward, Tandarook, there will be a contested election.”
As a result, six councillors have been provisionally named until the official declaration of results on Friday, November 15:
Nick Cole nominated for the Mount Elephant Ward;
Laurie Hickey nominated for the Leura Ward;
Ruth Gstrein nominated for Gnotuk Ward;
Jamie Vogels nominated for the Cooriemungle Ward;
Geraldine Conheady nominated for the Lake Keilambete Ward; and
Kate Makin nominated for the Lake Elingamite Ward.
Residents in the Tandarook Ward will be casting their votes for either Cath Jenkins or Jo Beard for the election.
The ballot order matched their nomination order, with Mrs Jenkins first followed by Mrs Beard.
The VEC spokesperson said residents in the contested ward could expect to see ballot packs in their mailboxes between October 7-10.
“The ballot packets will be forwarded to the voters in the Tandarook Ward from October 7-10 on a rotating basis – it may be possible that one person in a household will get their ballot pack on one day, and the other family member will get theirs a few days later,” the spokesperson said.
“If you are away for the period when the ballot materials are mailed out, you can come into the office here in Camperdown and vote early.
“If voters have questions or issues, they can contact the VEC directly or come to the office here”
For more information on the election, residents can contact the VEC on 131 832 or visit
The election office at 210-212 Manifold Street, Camperdown will be open from 9am – 5pm until Wednesday, October 23.
Voting closes at 6pm Friday, October 25.
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