

18 September, 2024

Cobden historical society gets a welcomed boost

THE Cobden and District Historical Society is making research even easier for its members and the wider community thanks to a grant.

By wd-news

Appreciated: Office National Warrnambool’s Martin Pearson delivers a new all abilities desk to Cobden and District Historical Society members Donna Edge and Colin Kerr thanks to a grant from are-able.
Appreciated: Office National Warrnambool’s Martin Pearson delivers a new all abilities desk to Cobden and District Historical Society members Donna Edge and Colin Kerr thanks to a grant from are-able.

The group received a grant for $2558 from are-able for the purchase of a high-low desk and two office chairs, according to group honorary secretary Delia Kerr.

“We thought that people love coming and researching here and it would benefit everyone,” she said.

“We would dearly love to thank are-able for supporting us and allowing us to continue helping people with their family history research.

“We get a lot of family history research requests from outside the town.”

Mrs Kerr said the all abilities high-low desk was portable and easy to use.

“It’s very portable, very useful and very handy,” she said.

Read More: Cobden


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