

13 December, 2023

Cobden pair get into Christmas with a twist

MOO'VE over Myer windows, Cobden has its own spectacular home light and decoration display.

By wd-news

Light show: Anne Munro has turned her Clarke Street front yard into a Christmas light display with a difference.
Light show: Anne Munro has turned her Clarke Street front yard into a Christmas light display with a difference.

Resident Anne Munro has created a Christmas display at her Clarke Street home which she has dubbed the ‘12 Moo’s of Christmas’.

A self-confessed cow aficionado, she has collected thousands of pieces of cow paraphernalia.

This year Mrs Munro decided to incorporate her beloved cows in a Christmas display featuring 12 handmade cows, Christmas lights and painted wooden Christmas trees which the Cobden Men’s Shed had made.

“I spent quite awhile making it; a good couple of weeks,” she said.

“People do stop and look at it.

“I mainly did it for my grandkids, it’s a bit of fun.”

To see the display lit up head to 67 Clarke Street in Cobden.


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