General News
20 December, 2023
Cobrico CFA awards
COBRICO Country Fire Authority brigade members gathered to present awards to long serving members earlier this month.
“Overall there were 19 awards with the most outstanding being for 50 years of service which was awarded to Neil Podger and 40 years of service awards to Les Mulholland and Vince Thorne,” she said.
“Awards were presented by commander Byron Kerrshaw, and Betty Robillard BASO at the Cobrico Hall which was followed by a full country supper provided by the Cobrico Hall Committee.”
Residents interested in joining the Cobrico Fire Brigade were asked to contact Cobrico captain Gavin Mulholland on 0408 566 693.
“The training, skills and contacts that you make volunteering through an organisation such as the Country Fire Authority are fantastic,” Ms Heard said.