

22 March, 2024

Committee positions open for Mt Leura, Sugarloaf

THE Mount Leura and Mount Sugarloaf Management Committee is seeking nominations from community members interested in the future management and development of the volcanic icons.

Managing the volcanoes: Two three-year positions are vacant on the Mount Leura and Mount Sugarloaf Management Committee.
Managing the volcanoes: Two three-year positions are vacant on the Mount Leura and Mount Sugarloaf Management Committee.

Two positions are now open on the committee for a three-year term until March 2027.

Nominations are open until 5pm on Sunday, March 31.

Committee members will be helping to implement the Mount Leura and Mount Sugarloaf Management Plan, which focuses on revegetating the reserves as well as their recreational and educational value.

Members will also attend monthly meetings, as well as any other meetings as required.

Other duties include promoting and running committee events, community planting days and working bees, developing funding applications, and maintaining and developing the reserves through work such as tree-planting and weed control.

Committee chairperson Caroline Duynhoven said the management committee continues to develop and enhance the “wonderful environmental and geological assets” for the shire.

“The reserves provide a place for recreational and educational activities for the local community but also for the tourists who visit the area,” she said.

“The people on the management committee are passionate and bring a wide range of skills ensuring a positive future for the reserves.”

Deputy mayor and Central Ward councillor Laurie Hickey encouraged residents to nominate.

“The mounts are truly icons of the region and form a natural gateway that welcomes highway travellers to Camperdown,” he said.

“The fact the reserves are educational as well as recreational make them great assets for the community.

“Being part of a committee of management means you can make a significant contribution to the area.

“Don't be afraid to put your hand up.”

Since 1995, among the committee’s achievements, in partnership with volunteers and other stakeholders, are:

  • Planting over 36,000 indigenous trees, shrubs and 60,000 indigenous grasses;

  • Building an extensive network of walking tracks, signs, a stone-wall entrance, an educational centre, seats, picnic tables and three information shelters;

  • Removal of more than 500 pine and cypress trees; and

  • Development of promotional and educational resources and programs.

Position descriptions and nomination forms are available at or from the Civic Centre at 181 Manifold Street, Camperdown.

For further information, please call environment projects officer Roland Herbert at Corangamite Shire on 5593 7100.


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