

8 November, 2024

Committee reflects on a year of progress

TWENTY-ONE people gathered at the Killara Centre recently for the Camperdown Courthouse’s annual general meeting (AGM).

By wd-news

New committee: A new committee was voted in at the Camperdown Courthouse’s AGM.
New committee: A new committee was voted in at the Camperdown Courthouse’s AGM.

The meeting saw five members continuing in their roles in the committee, and four new volunteers being voted in.

President Alison Byrne said it was “great” to see continuing members alongside some new faces in the committee.

“This brings continuity in direction partnered with new ideas and fresh thinking, which can only benefit the future success of the Courthouse,” she said.

“The last year has been full of progress, consolidation and many opportunities to learn and grow as an organisation, and as volunteers.

“We continue to work towards being self-sustainable, which is sometimes a challenge in the current economic environment and with the availability of volunteers to keep our doors open.”

This year will see Ms Byrne continue as president, with vice president Brooke Love, secretary Sharon Vagg, treasurer Cheryl Winn, and general committee members Amanda Manifold, Marg Shearn, Lee Morgan, Shirely Fitzgerald and Kathy Banks forming the 2024-2025 Courthouse committee.

“With renewed energy they look forward to the year ahead and advancing their strategic direction,” Ms Byrne said.

“We are very clear about our direction in becoming self-sustainable in order to keep operating as a Visitor Information Centre”.

The meeting saw discussion of the four main pillars of the Courthouse – tourism, community, arts and culture, and retail

Ms Byrne thanked the Corangamite Shire Council for their support over the past three financial years, but reiterated the Courthouse works independently from the council.

“We are incredibly grateful for the council’s ongoing funding, however this year we are standing on our own two feet and finding ways to reach our required budget through retail, grants and sponsorship, enabling us to stay in community hands and continue to keep the doors open as a visitor information centre,” she said.

Ms Byrne also extended her gratitude to the volunteers of the Courthouse for their time, energy and dedication to the 100 per cent volunteer-run organisation.

“They are such a dedicated group of committed and fabulous volunteers who take up various roles within the organisation, we are grateful and appreciative of every second they commit to the Courthouse,” she said.

After the formalities, guest speaker John Maher, the deputy chair of the Great Ocean Road Regional Tourism (GORRT) board, gave an informative presentation on the purpose of GORRT, visitor numbers, marketing strategies encouraging visitors from other regions to visit the Victorian coast line and hinterland.

Ms Byrne said the Courthouse is always keen to welcome volunteers and invited interested residents to reach out.

“If however, you would like to become a member and receive our monthly newsletter, simply to support the Courthouse activities please email requesting a membership form,” she said.

Read More: Camperdown


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