5 June, 2024
Community to rally for Timboon hospital
MEMBER for Polwarth Richard Riordan will be attending a public meeting in Timboon tonight (Wednesday) to discuss amalgamation rumours at Timboon and District Healthcare Service.
The allegations – which have been denied by the Victorian State Government – maintain Victorian healthcare services were in the firing line with a number of forced amalgamations.
Mr Riordan addressed parliament last week and called for a “guarantee” hospitals in Polwarth would not be amalgamated and closed.
He said TDHS was a “fantastic multipurpose service” which supports the local community.
“They have been well governed for a long time, and they provide exceptional bespoke services to their communities,” Mr Riordan said.
He said concern had grown with “recent talk and uncounted media speculation” and he said the minister had refused to stop speculation.
“We have board members and hospital administrators spoken to by department heads, warning them that they cannot employ ay more people, that they are not confirming appointments of medical staff, and hospital administrators and others are being left in limbo,” Mr Riordan alleged.
“This is all creating a great deal of uncertainty, so much so that the Timboon community has called a community meeting for next Wednesday.”
TDHS currently has multiple jobs advertised.
Mr Riordan said he was “fully supporting the Timboon groups who are wanting to come together to send a clear message to government that they do not want their hospital “gobbled up” by Barwon Health in Geelong.
“Timboon and District Healthcare Service is a wonderful local health service that is able to provide a range of services that provide a unique and specific health support program for a busy rural community that focuses on providing care as close to home as possible,” he said.
“Early amalgamations of health services in other rural areas have already seen locals having to drive much further to larger health services for care they could once get at home.
“Health management reform is needed and welcomed by local health services like Timboon, but an erosion of services and local care cannot be allowed.
“I look forward to meeting with Timboon locals…to hear of their concerns and do what I can to get that message out to Health Minister Thomas.”
The meeting will be held at the Timboon Recreation Reserve tonight at 7pm.