
General News

9 February, 2024

Crucial service to remain in Toy Room

CAMPERDOWN Mechanics Institute’s Old Toy Room will continue to be leased out by Play Therapy and Counselling South West, who have added another room to their lease.

By wd-news

Lease granted: Councillors voted to grant the lease to the Old Toy Room and Corner Room at its recent meeting.
Lease granted: Councillors voted to grant the lease to the Old Toy Room and Corner Room at its recent meeting.

At council’s meeting on Tuesday, councillors moved to grant Play Therapy another two-year lease of the Old Toy Room at $6100 per year.

Councillors also voted to allow the company to lease the Corner Room, the other remaining room within the Mechanics Institute, at a lower rate.

The Corner Room will be leased at $5545.45 per year due to its smaller size.

Play Therapy will use this space to continue to provide therapy services to children, adolescents and their families throughout Corangamite, Moyne and Colac-Otway shires.

Cr Ruth Gstrein moved the motion at the meeting.

“I think this is a great way forward, obviously, seeing the Old Toy Room being put to good use has been terrific,” she said.

“I think that the fact we’re now going to lease out the Corner Room to the same tenants is a really good outcome for council.

“We’ll get just over $11,000 in rent, so going through a commercial rent for these two properties, I think, is a wise thing to do.”

Cr Laurie Hickey seconded the motion, adding Play Therapy provided an “excellent service” to the community and it was “absolutely wonderful” to see the building fully utilized.


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