

4 April, 2024

Dress up day: Dot farewelled in style

MORTLAKE College students dressed up as a beloved staff member to say farewell last week.

The final day of term one last week coincided with the retirement of school business manager Dot Jenkins.

As Western District Newspapers reported last week, Ms Jenkins stepped in to retirement after spending the past 24 years at the school.

Students dressed up as Ms Jenkins as an homage to the indelible impact she has had on those within the school community throughout her time.

They wore netball gear as she has been a long-time netball coach, or donned the brown and gold of her beloved Hawthorn Hawks.

Speaking with Western District Newspapers on the day, Ms Jenkins said she had specifically said she would be okay with a small send off, but began to suspect something was afoot when she looked out her office window.

“I looked out window and wondered what the boys were doing; they were all walking around wearing netball gear,” she said.

“I saw some of the younger girls all dressed up in their Hampden Netball stuff and little people running around with their Hawthorn scarves.

“It’s been really lovely.”

Ms Jenkins said the school community had worked hard to keep the day a secret.

“I got a real surprise because they sent everything around me,” she said.

“I normally get all the e-mails, but I said to them I’m happy to have a low-key final day.

“It was certainly not low key at all.”

Ms Jenkins said she had been inundated with hand-made cards and well wishes in a heart-warming display of what made the Mortlake College community so special.

“Fabulous, the kids warm your heart,” she said.

“You can’t help but get a big smile out of that.”


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