
General News

20 December, 2023

Extra ambulance services on coast

AMBULANCE Victoria (AV) is boosting its ambulance response capability in tourist towns and areas of summer holiday population growth across the south west from Christmas though to the end of January.

By wd-news

Communities along the Surf Coast, Bellarine, Great Ocean Road and Greater Geelong areas will benefit from an increase in AV resources this summer.

This will include additional Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance (MICA) personnel, Advanced Life Support (ALS) crews and Ambulance Single Response Units.

AV Barwon south west acting regional director (RD) clinical operations Jessica McGowan said the extra hands on deck is crucial to AV’s operational planning for summer every year, and ensures the community is well-served during the holiday period.

“Our region is host to a number of events over the holiday period and with a lot of our small towns being popular summer holiday destinations our crews are prepared for the influx of people across our communities,” she said.

“We work hard to ensure we can continue to provide the best care and timely responses to those who need us during these busy periods.”

As people plan their getaways over the coming weeks, now is a timely reminder to stay safe this summer, never leave children in cars unattended, party responsibly by looking out for your friends, and swim at patrolled beaches.

Mc McGowan said there are a number of simple preventative steps people can take to keep themselves and their loves ones safe in extreme heat.

“Remember to stay hydrated and drink water regularly throughout the day,” she said.

“Avoid being outside during the hottest time of the day and keep cool by using air conditioning and fans whenever possible.

“Heat can cause serious illnesses including heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.”

Heat stroke is fatal in up to 80 per cent of cases but is entirely preventable.

Heat stroke is a life-threatening emergency. If you or someone else is experiencing symptoms such as confusion, seizures, collapsing or loss of consciousness, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.

Residents who are feeling unwell can contact the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department, visit a Priority Primary Care Centre, call NURSE-ON-CALL on 1300 60 60 24 or see your doctor or local pharmacist.


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