

25 July, 2024

Feedback sought on plan to protect dairy

A DRAFT strategy to protect and build on Corangamite Shire’s leading agricultural sector has been released for public comment.

The ‘Grow Corangamite: Sustaining our Agriculture Future’ aims to future proof and strengthen the sector over the next 20 years.

Drop-in sessions will be held at:

  • Simpson Recreation Reserve, Wednesday July 31, 10 am-12.30 pm; and

  • Terang Civic Centre, Wednesday July 31, 2pm-4.30pm.

Mayor Kate Makin said Corangamite Shire was the nation’s largest dairy producer.

“Agriculture is at the heart of Corangamite Shire’s prosperity – it is our number one industry by output, accounts for more than a third of local employment and underpins our local communities.

“This document is not only a land-use strategy, it looks at community, economic and environmental outcomes that build on the existing strengths of our agricultural sector.”

Cr Makin said one of the aims of the strategy was to safeguard the shire’s agricultural industry for food and animal fibre production.

“Corangamite’s farmland is strategically significant on a state and even national scale,” she said.

and we need to be clear on our decision-making around competing land-uses,” she said.

“This strategy looks at how council can position agriculture as a priority industry in the long-term through careful planning decisions.

“It’s a really important piece of work that will provide strong guidance for council on issues genuinely impacting our agricultural industry.”

Within the draft document were three directions under the microscope which included:

Planning for agriculture;

Future proofing the agriculture sector; and

Strengthening the shire’s thriving agricultural industry.

A number of strategies with subsequent actions were detailed.

One strategy – avoid land use and development which may constrain operation of and investment in agricultural enterprises – had a suggested introduction to the schedule to the Farming Zone a maximum area of 40 hectares for which no permit is required to use land for timber production.

The same strategy also suggested a new policy guidance of the planning scheme to ensure renewable energy generation and transmission avoids areas of state - significant agricultural land.

Under the draft document, the authors suggested establishing and/or partnering with regional and local stakeholders and industry groups to develop an innovation in agriculture forum in a bid to support and promote sustainable growth and innovation in agriculture.

Cr Makin encouraged those interested in providing feedback in person to attend one of the drop-in sessions in Simpson or Terang.

“I also thank Project Reference Group members for their contribution and everyone who got involved and shared their ideas during the initial engagement and preparation of the plan,” she said.

A final version of the strategy will be presented to council for adoption in August before it is implemented through a planning scheme amendment.

Members of the community are invited to provide feedback on the draft strategy at by Monday, August 5.

Read More: Terang


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