12 June, 2024
Finch performs well
LAST week’s Victorian Indoor Bias Bowls Association’s state titles proved successful for Heytesbury bowler Arthur Finch.

Finch had a great event, reaching the quarter finals.
In round seven pennant action, division one saw Camperdown 2 go down to Timboon Lawn 2, Camperdown 1 drew with Mepunga 1, Laang-Ecklin took care of Scotts Creek 1 and Glenormiston 1 lost to Timboon Lawn 2.
The top four this week in division oneare Timboon Lawn 1, Mepunga 1, Timboon Lawn 2 and Camperdown 2.
Division two saw Timboon Lawn 4 draw with Mepunga 2, Glenormiston 3 defeated Cobden 2, Glenormiston 2 defeated Cobden 1 and Timboon Lawn 3 lost to Simpson 1.
The top four in division 2 this week are Cobden 1, Mepunga 2, Timboon Lawn 4 and Glenormiston 2.
In division three, Cobden 3 had the bye and Scotts Creek 2 went down to Camperdown 3, Peterborough defeated Glenormiston 4 and Mepunga 3 lost to Scotts Creek 3.
The top four in division three are Mepunga 3, Scotts Creek 3, Cobden 3 and Camperdown 3.
Just a few reminders regarding pennant:
Score cards are required to be sent in immediately after the match and no later than the Thursday afterwards.
Please help your pennant secretary by sending clear, legible pictures of completed, matching, full player names and signed pennant scorecards to secretary Kathryn on 0409 013 720.
Send your original, unedited picture submissions to or texted to Scott on 0418 218 547.
Current list of reminders:
HIBBA Club Drawn Singles cards are to be sent to the secretary by Friday, June 21 and Heytesbury Mixed Fours Tournament is on Saturday, June 22 at Simpson Hall.

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