

15 May, 2024

Funding flows for Tech

THERE were more than six million reasons to smile in the Cobden community last week, with the State Budget revealing a $6.6 million in funding for the Cobden Technical School.

By wd-news

Rebuild funded: Cobden Technical School students Trent Chamberlian, Lenny Dobbin and Korie Hester were ecstatic with news the school received $6.6 million in funding for the long-awaited school rebuild.
Rebuild funded: Cobden Technical School students Trent Chamberlian, Lenny Dobbin and Korie Hester were ecstatic with news the school received $6.6 million in funding for the long-awaited school rebuild.

School principal Rohan Keert said the wider school community welcomed the funding commitment.

“I’m excited, very excited,” he said.

“I have mixed emotions too; we’re the only school in the south west to receive funds and other worthy recipients missed out.”

The funding announcement followed a comprehensive design process for the school’s upgrade, which will be the first major remodel in the school’s 50 plus year history.

Stage one of the project will include the new entry to the school from the west, and the north external perspective which includes a new library, student amenities, wellbeing centre, staff work and reception.

A stage two – which has not been funded – would see classrooms replaced.

Mr Keert said the school rebuild and funding announcement was positive for Cobden.

“It’s good for small towns to get a boost,” he said.

“Just because kids go to school in a small town doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have access to excellent facilities and programs.”

Mr Keert said the fine tuning of the designs was expected to occur in the coming months ahead of putting out a tender for construction at the end of the year.

“We expect demolition and rebuild in 2025 ready to occupy the building at the start of 2026,” he said.

“Everyone is happy with that has been designed.”

Mr Keert said the upcoming Cobden Technical School upgrade would complement works at the Cobden Hampden Specialist School campus.

“Secondary education in Cobden has had a massive boost,” he said.

With Mr Keert moving on to a new role as director of the soon to be established Warrnambool Tech School later this month, acting principal Narelle Holliday will help see the major project progress.

“It will be a busy time, but it’s a good result for the students,” Ms Holliday said.

“It’s wonderful news.”

Great news: An artist’s impression which was released earlier this year shows what the Cobden Technical School will soon look like after $6.6 million was granted in the Victorian State Budget last week.
Great news: An artist’s impression which was released earlier this year shows what the Cobden Technical School will soon look like after $6.6 million was granted in the Victorian State Budget last week.

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