

9 May, 2024

Have your say on the future of farming

TERANG residents are invited to discuss the future of farming in the shire when the Grow Corangamite team host a drop-in session next week.

By wd-news

Council is preparing the ‘Grow Corangamite: Sustaining our Agriculture Future’ study to cement the shire’s position as a significant agricultural producer and food manufacturer.

The drop-in sessions will provide an opportunity for residents to have their say, with the Terang session to be held on Wednesday, May 15 from 4pm-7pm in the Rose Room for the Terang Civic Centre.

Corangamite Shire councillor Geraldine Conheady is chair of the Project Reference Group which, along with council’s project team, has prepared a background report.

“The community ‘drop-in’ sessions will be held so residents can discuss the project, get further information, and provide us with their thoughts on agricultural land in the shire,” she said.

“Agriculture is the biggest contributor to our local economy, generating $805 million of economic output in 2020/21, almost a third of total output.

“About two and a half thousands of our residents are employed in farming directly or in various supply, service and processing businesses. That makes farming vital for our families and communities to flourish.

“I invite everyone to come along to one of the sessions and share your ideas and experience so we can strengthen and sustain our agricultural future.

“We encourage residents to read the report and contribute their thoughts at the drop-in sessions, or through council’s website.”

Manager planning and building services Aaron Moyne said the ‘Grow Corangamite: Sustaining our Agriculture Future’ project would provide a comprehensive understanding of the physical, social, and economic attributes which underpin agriculture.

“It will also identify the challenges and opportunities confronting the industry,” he said.

“This will enable council to formulate an economic development and planning framework that will support and grow agriculture into the future.

“There will be another opportunity to get involved at the completion of the Draft Strategy before it is finalised.”

For more information, go to or call Strategic Planner Kristen Wilkes or Manager Planning and Building Services Aaron Moyne on 5593 7100.

Read More: Terang


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