

11 September, 2024

Life changing donation

THE Cobden community is safer thanks to a donation from the Cobden and Camperdown Community Bank.

By wd-news

Positive news: Cobden Senior Citizens Club secretary Gerrit Bekker, Beryl Callaway (third) and treasurer Joyce Roberts (fourth) thank Cobden and Camperdown Community Bank director Joan Scott for a donation allowing the club to purchase a defibrillator.
Positive news: Cobden Senior Citizens Club secretary Gerrit Bekker, Beryl Callaway (third) and treasurer Joyce Roberts (fourth) thank Cobden and Camperdown Community Bank director Joan Scott for a donation allowing the club to purchase a defibrillator.

The Cobden Senior Citizens Club received funding to purchase a defribillator which has been installed at the front entrance of the Cobden Senior Citizens building at the corner of Parrott Street and Victoria Street in Cobden.

Club secretary Gerrit Bekker welcomed the donation.

He said a recent guest speaker from Ambulance Victoria had noted a defibrillator would be ideal at the location for members and the wider community.

“I then found out the community bank do sponsor items like that,” Mr Bekker said.

“I applied and within a week we had a written reply to say they would pay the whole $3295.

“The defibrillator will be housed at the front door; that way it will be available to use for the whole community.”

He thanked the Cobden and Camperdown Community Bank for its support.

“We’re very grateful that they thought to sponsor us for the full amount which didn’t put a strain on our finances as a club,” Mr Bekker said.

“The thing that really stood out for me was I got a result within a week.”

Cobden and Camperdown Community Bank director Joan Scott was pleased to be able to support the club and wider community with the donation.

“We’re very much pleased to able to support them,” she said.

“The community bank also has a project where we are trying to assist apprentices at the moment.”

Read More: Cobden


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