

29 February, 2024

New program for talented athletes

THE South West Academy of Sport (SWAS) has launched a new program designed to offer personalised support for the region’s highest-level athletes.

By wd-news

The APEX program, an acronym for Advancing Performance to Enhance eXcellence, offers tailored management to athletes who are competing at a state or national level, or are otherwise advanced in their sporting pathway.

“The APEX program is really designed to support the individual athlete and what their specific needs are,” SWAS chief executive officer (CEO), Andrew Sloane said.

“SWAS is moving away from a model of running general education for these athletes who are operating at a higher level, and instead, is really engaging with what they, their family and their coaches have identified as a need”.

Athletes who are accepted into the APEX program will undertake three milestone achievements in order to be supported by SWAS in their chosen services.

“We are supporting these athletes to develop an elite mindset, by implementing the behaviours seen at the highest levels of sport,” Sloane said.

For those athletes who are not yet at a state level, SWAS will be continuing to run its well-known sport programs covering sports of cycling, netball, clay target shooting, golf, hockey and tennis, under the banner of ASCEND; an acronym for Accessing Skilled Coach Educators to Nurture Development.

“The ASCEND sport programs are conducted in conjunction with the State Sporting Associations in order to provide further preparation of athletes for state and national championships or selections into representative squads,” Sloane said.

Potential athletes interested in the APEX program may apply at any time, however there is a cap of 25 positions at any one time. With strong interest already being shown, athletes are encouraged to apply early – head to for further details.

Athletes interested in the ASCEND sporting programs should head to and follow the South West Academy of Sport on social media for application information.

For further information, contact SWAS CEO – Andrew Sloane on 0425 758 261


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