
General News

8 March, 2024

New ramp to grant increased accessibility

A NEW ramp has been installed alongside the disability parking bay near Camperdown’s Commonwealth Bank in Little Manifold Street, which will improve access to and from the bay.

By wd-news

Increased accessibility: The new ramp will assist those using the disability parking space to access stores on Little Manifold Street.
Increased accessibility: The new ramp will assist those using the disability parking space to access stores on Little Manifold Street.

The ramp was completed Friday last week after works began last Wednesday.

Corangamite Shire Council manager assets planning John Kelly said the installation came about as the result of community input.

“It makes it more accessible for those using the car space,” he said.

“We've recently done something similar in Gibson Street, Camperdown, and in Terang, adjacent to the toilet block in High Street.

“There are plans for similar works in the coming month outside the Camperdown Pharmacy in Manifold Street.”

Council's Disability Inclusion Access Plan states that providing better accessibility for people with disability improves their opportunities to take part in community life.

Increasing the number of Accessible Parking Bays in the municipality is one of the plan's key success measures.


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