

1 May, 2024

Port’ community to celebrate

THE Port Campbell Recreation Reserve will be a hive of activity this weekend, with a community football match being played.

By wd-news

Community football match: The Port Campbell Recreation Reserve Committee of Management have been hard at work finishing off key projects, including the installation of a number of new playgrounds.
Community football match: The Port Campbell Recreation Reserve Committee of Management have been hard at work finishing off key projects, including the installation of a number of new playgrounds.

The day is also a celebration of the sustained efforts of the current and past reserve committee of managements to develop the facilities within the reserve to the benefit of the community.

Port Campbell Recreation Reserve Committee of Management secretary Sharon Cotton said the committee is preparing to hand over the reserve’s planned priority projects and funding to the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority (GORCAPA).

She said the committee is “extremely proud” of the projects achieved to date.

“Our projects that the community will see come to life include a new playground, outdoor exercise equipment and a disc course placed strategically around the reserve,” Ms Cotton said.

“Upgrades to both the oval’s centre turf, as well as the playing surface, will complement the picket fence project already being completed.”

Ms Cotton said the committee has committed to a number of varied projects in order to benefit as many of the local community members as possible.

With the official handover of the Port Campbell Recreation Reserve to GORCAPA now imminent, the committee have organised a community football match on Sunday to celebrate the years of operation and growth thanks to the local volunteer management of the reserve.

“We extend an open invitation to anyone who has been involved at Port Campbell Recreation Reserve over the years to please come along as we reminisce on the achievements of all involved,” Ms Cotton said.

“This event will include music by local band Level Up as well as a free barbecue and drinks for everyone attending.

“The day will commence at 12.30pm with a barbecue and the match will start at 2pm.

“It will be a memorable day and a great way to celebrate all that has been achieved on the Port Campbell Reserve by the local community over many years.”

To a don a jumper in the community match contact Brett Wallace on 0417 504 118.

Read More: Port Campbell


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