28 August, 2024
Reading is magic
COBDEN Primary School students and staff celebrated Book Week last week.
School acting principal Ilona Watkins said Book Week was a whole week celebration for the school.
“Every day we have a special guest character where clues are given throughout the day,” she said.
“Students have to try and guess the character based on the clues, until they are revealed in our whole-school reading session.
“We also incorporate literacy-rich activities and a ‘D.E.A.R’ (Drop Everything And Read) session daily to boost the excitement and love of reading across the school.”
Last Thursday saw the entire school cohort dress-up in a variety of characters, with a whole-school parade providing excitement on the day.
“We had a wonderful whole-school parade and invited the kindergarten and parents in to experience the excitement,” Mrs Watkins said.
“All staff show enthusiasm in the organisation and ensure this week is a success, building a love of reading among all students.”