

1 March, 2024

Shuttle Smashers prove too strong

SHUTTLE Smashers were too strong for Court Crusaders in the Terang badminton competition last week.

By wd-news

The Smashers nine sets, 342 games defeated the Crusaders nine sets, 318 games.

The Smashers’ side comprises Ben Baby, Tony Evans, Geoff Davis, Kate McIntosh, Gayle Kelson and Leanne Salmon.

Court Crusaders includes Richard Raju, David Cook, Sam Hall, Tina Brown, Chloe Healey and Lyn McLean.

Game results were as follows:

Tony and Geoff lost to David and Sam 39-41.

Gayle and Leanne def Chloe and Lyn 42-12.

Ben and Geoff def Richard and Sam 41-39.

Kate and Leanne def Tina and Lyn 42-37.

Ben and Tony lost to Richard and David 36-42.

Kate and Gayle def Tina and Chloe 39-32.

Geoff and Leanne drew with Sam and Lyn 36-all.

Tony and Gayle lost to David and Chloe 36-37.

Ben and Kate lost to Richard and Tina 31-42.

Net Ninjas 14 sets, 351 games defeated Badminton Blitzers 4 sets, 284 games.

Ninjas team members include David Banham, Jason Karney, Alistair Alexander, Tracy Cotton, Liza Fahey and Chantelle Bouma.

Blitzers include Phil Anders, Ash Singh, Ryan Armistead, Maureen Cook, Belinda Hussey and Adiba Masum (sub).

Game results were as follows:

Jason and Alistair def Ash and Ryan 42-25.

Liza and Chantelle def Belinda and Adiba 42-33.

David and Alistair def Phil and Ryan 42-34.

Tracy and Chantelle lost to Maureen and Adiba 31-39.

David and Jason def Phil and Ash 42-23.

Tracy and Liza lost to Maureen and Belinda 36-38.

Alistair and Chantelle def Ryan and Adiba 42-28.

Jason and Liza def Ash and Belinda 42-22.

David and Tracy def Phil and Maureen 32-42.


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