General News
15 December, 2023
Success for Motorcycle Club toy run
WET weather may have put a stop to the annual Toy Run Ride, but the green light remained on for the Camperdown Motorcycle Club’s collection of donations.
The club organised deposit boxes in Camperdown, Terang, Cobden and Colac for donations of toys, toiletries and non-perishable food items.
Camperdown Motorcycle Club president Brent Noonan said he was proud of the efforts of the club and thankful for the generosity of the community.
“We loaded an eight by six enclosed trailer to the brim with donations of toys, shampoos, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soaps, all the general foods that had been donated from the community, as well as the members of the club,” he said.
“That was delivered to St Vinnies on Friday
“We also made a cash donation from a jar that was installed at Craweley’s in Terang of $314.
“It’s a little bit down on last year’s, but we were a little bit late getting organised getting the jar in there with the new change of office at the club; we’re a little bit behind they eight ball trying to work out how things operate.”
Mr Noonan said this year’s cancellation of the bike ride was the first time in 30 years it haD been cancelled.
“On the actual day, due to the weather, there was only nine of us that actually made the ride to Warrnambool,” he said.
“We actually got there before it got cancelled; we got wet for no reason, basically.”
Mr Noonan said he had an extra special thank you he wished to put out.
“A huge thanks to Sam Argyle and Harold Ashton on doing the work behind the scenes for the bike club, and a huge, massive congratulations for the community for getting behind such a great cause,” he said.