
General News

25 October, 2023

Tandarook House set for revamp

TANDAROOK House – which has sat vacant for year – will be given a new lease of life.

By wd-news

Social housing project: The Salvation Army has received funding to build six units on site at the long-time vacant Tandarook House in Cobden.
Social housing project: The Salvation Army has received funding to build six units on site at the long-time vacant Tandarook House in Cobden.

TANDAROOK House – which has sat vacant for year – will be given a new lease oflife.

As part of the Victorian Government’s Big Housing Build initiative Salvation Army Housing Victoria (SAHV) received $1.7 million for the Cobden-based development.

Four years ago, SAHV acquired Tandarook House – a former 10-bed aged are facility – as part of an agreement with the Corangamite Shire through a land swap with Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) to redevelop the space for the purpose of long-term social housing.

“Housing and support have always been central to The Salvation Army’s fight against hardship and injustice across Australia,” Salvation Army divisional commander Victoria Kelvin Merrett said.
“In Victoria, now more than ever, our work with Salvation Army Housing Victoria and the Victorian Government is critical to addressing homelessness in Victoria and all the challenges homelessness brings.

“We welcome this much needed project and the support of the Victorian Government to help address some of the daily difficulties our regional clients face in securing safe and affordable housing.”

The Salvation Army is the largest provider of homelessness services in Australia.

SAHV is a community housing organisation providing homes for families and individuals who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, are on low incomes, and those with specific support needs.

The $1.7 million project is expected to create 21 jobs in the local area.

The site will be redeveloped to provide six units on site, in a mix of one and two bedroom units based on current infrastructure, within the same building envelope.

The proposed development will feature seven-star energy rating, five-star green rating, minimum floor area standards set by Homes Victoria, align with accessibility standards in Silver Level

Liveable Housing Standards and NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation Improved Liveability Standard.

The project will begin in 2023, as planning and other approvals are obtained.

The site is situated at the north-east end of the Tandarook Botanic Gardens.

Outdoor courtyards in each of the apartment develops will also be included.

Salvation Army Housing chief executive officer Chris Karagiannis said “we are grateful and excited to be partnering with the Victorian Government and Homes Victoria on this much needed housing project in Cobden”.

“Safe, secure and affordable housing is one of the most basic needs and yet we see too many Victorians facing daily challenges accessing long-term housing in regional areas,” he said.

“We believe this project will help support vulnerable people in the region and provide them the opportunity to transform their lives and give them a place to call home.”

According to the 2021 Census, the Corangamite Shire Council has a population of approximately 16,029 people, with a median age of 48 year, with 40 per cent of the population above the age of 55.

Thirty per cent of people are classified as ‘single person households’.

In the area, 80 per cent of rental stock is three plus bedrooms, meaning shortage of on to two three bedroom dwellings in the shire, according to The Salvation Army Housing Victoria.

Corangamite Shire has recently established a steering group for the development of a masterplan for the Tandarook Botanic Gardens.

The masterplan will provide guidance and direction to council in developing a plan to ensure the gardens and park provide environmental open space and passive recreation for the residents of the Corangamite Shire.

The Cobden-based build is part of the $5.3 billion Big Housing Build initiative to be distribued over four years.

An initiative within the Big Housing Build is the Social Housing Growth Fund (SHGF).

The SHGF recently awarded $219 million in grants to 17 community housing agencies to build up to 683 homes in regional Victoria.


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