11 September, 2024
Timboon Probus Club Notes
PRESIDENT Charles welcomed all members again to our August meeting and a special mention to guests Bev Martin and guest speaker Sergeant Jenkins from the Cobden Police.

Scams are well and truly alive with our computer members now, and Sergeant Jenkins pointed out some very good rules to follow.
If the offer is too good to be true, it most likely is: Never give out bank details or driver’s licence over the phone: if you are unsure, validate the offer first, back to its source.
These items of advice and more, were very much appreciated by the members, as many of these scams are targeted at lonely women and also “sextortion” of men.
If you find you have been scammed, you will need to have your devices “cleaned” and you should also report to Scamwatch or IDCare.
A lovely morning tea of scones, jam and cream and then business as usual.
Reports included the upcoming visit to Camp Cooriemungle which unfortunately had to be cancelled and will hopefully be rescheduled in the future.
Then Terang Fellowship Day was held on September 2. This day proved to be a very enjoyable get-together for all four local Probus Clubs and included a lovely lunch, musical entertainment by Ken Smith and then two hilarious skits by some of the Terang members.
Not even thunder, lightning and hail could dampen the great atmosphere.
Arrangements were continued to be finalised for the October meeting to be held at Berry World, complete with a local band for music. A great celebration of 40 years of Probus.
Members were finalising details for their trip to King Island in October and also a reminder that Terang Probus is running an overnight trip to Cranbourne in November. Some members from Timboon will be going with them at this stage.
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