General News
6 December, 2023
Timboon Probus Notes
MEMBERS have had a very busy and interesting time this month.

A smaller general meeting because of the Melbourne Cup/bowls but the guest speakers made up for it.
Alex from Dresden, in the eastern part of Germany, would like to become an Australian citizen. He gave a quick insight into the problems in Germany with accommodation, medical assistance etc. with people from other countries who, because of Germany’s laws, are unable to work. After secondary school he trained for three years in Dairy Technology and has had an interest in Australia for many years
Selena from Buenos Aires in Argentina, trained as a journalist and has also lived in Europe for four-and-a-half-years and likes talking in public. They are now milking in a dairy near Timboon.
Sponsorship within Australia, especially in the country rather than a large city, is something they would both love.
Our usual draw for Melbourne Cup horses was conducted, and the result the next day was a prize for whoever drew the winner of the Cup.
Reports included our trip to Cobden for the Probus Friendship Day last month which was enjoyed by all and some good ideas for future guest speakers was given.
Then the interesting trip to Derrinallum and Mount Elephant where we were given a very informative presentation of the Mount’s history and members were intrigued with the varied types and colours of the rocks from the Mount.
Also Deep Lake, where a local man gave us some interesting information on the Lake, which is 12 feet deep and has its own Yacht Club
Dining Out members will be enjoying a meal at the Port Campbell Hotel this month and
arrangements are being made for interested members to attend High Tea at Flagstaff Hill in December. The Caravan Club changed their next venue, and have since relaxed for a few days at Narrawong with the river and the sea for company.
Christmas Dinner was on December 4 at the Timboon Golf Club.
Jo Musico, who has entertained us for some years now, again provided the listening/dance music that we all enjoy so much with him.
As usual, members will be enclosing their
Christmas gift money in a special separate envelope for Food Share in Warrnambool.
So another happy, fulfilling year has ended, and we look forward to next year with its fun, fellowship and friendship. Until then, have a happy and blessed Christmas.
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