13 March, 2024
Troupe to raise curtains on latest production
PREPARATIONS were well under way as the Terang Theatre Troupe prepares to raise curtains on one of Australia’s most iconic stories this weekend.
After recently announcing the troupe’s next theatrical foray with acclaimed directory Terence O’Connell would be a production of ‘Letters to Lindy,’ the cast has now been set including Rosemary Knight, Jackie Nowell, Pauline Van Dijk, Anne Corbin, Rob Storr and Nellie Plumber
Mr O’Connell returns following the the success of last year’s production, ‘Minefields and Miniskirts’, which will see an expanded cast showcase the quality of local theatre in the south west.
The script, originally written by Alana Valentine, was based on the 1980 events which saw Lindy Chamberlain rise to prominence in one of the most publicised murder trials in Australian history.
Ms Chamberlain was wrongfully convicted of the murder of her daughter Azaria, after reporting she had been taken from a tent by a dingo.
“I think every Australian over a certain age knows Lindy Chamberlain and sort of knows the story,” Mr O’Connell said.
“This show is an interesting concept because it’s largely based around the real letters which around 20,000 people sent to her – and continue to send.
“There’s everything from marriage proposals through to threats of death. This story brought out so many emotions in people.”
“When we did Minefields and people supported it so strongly, I wanted to find another Australian story which somehow resonated with the audience.”
Mr O’Connell said he felt the script was a perfect complement to suit the expanded cast while still providing a challenge due to the difficulty of the subject matter.
“I knew I had to find something for an expanded group of people, looking at what we could and couldn’t do, be that something as simple as looking for something Australian so we didn’t have to push for use of accents,” he said.
“I started looking at what nine or 10 people could do while having appeal for the audience.
“At the same time, like Minefields, this is another challenging piece which requires the actors to play very different roles.
“There is a lot of materials to learn, but I think it’s going to be really good.”
Mr O’Connell acknowledged it would be his last production in the region for the foreseeable future.
He said he wanted to push forward with this year’s production to play a role in supporting the ongoing effort to harness the arts in Terang.
“I know it’s pretty unlikely I’ll be back in these parts next year so I wanted to do something,” Mr O’Connell said.
“I’ll feel like in 2023/2024 we did something, and it had some benefit.
“We want to do these things because the only way to grow an audience is to do things regularly.
“If you just do something once a year or once every 18 months, it doesn’t build a habit.”
‘Letters to Lindy’ will have shows between Friday and Sunday, 15-17 March, and again from Friday to Sunday, 22-24 March.
The show for this Saturday has already sold out, and the matinee shows are selling fast as well.
Tickets are available in Terang from Des at the Commercial Hotel or Victor at Mahogany Computers.