
General News

6 March, 2024

U3A learn about Food Bank service

MEMBERS of the University of the Third Age (U3A) Corangamite learnt all about a vital service in the shire recently.

By wd-news

Vital service: Camperdown Community House's Emily Mercer spoke to members of U3A Corangamite about the Corangamite Food Bank service.
Vital service: Camperdown Community House's Emily Mercer spoke to members of U3A Corangamite about the Corangamite Food Bank service.

U3A Corangamite spokesperson Gary Kimber said Camperdown Community House’ Emily Mercer spoke about the Corangamite Food Bank service.

“Emily was passionate in her presentation and highlighted what a huge need the food bank was,” he said.

“The presentation was part of the group’s monthly Friday Forum program.”

For more information about U3A Corangamite visit


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