
General News

12 September, 2024

$2.4 million redevelopment for St Thomas’

ST Thomas’ Primary School is set to undergo a multi-million-dollar upgrade thanks to a significant State Government investment.

Funding flows: Students and staff at St Thomas’ Primary School were overjoyed to learn the Victorian Government had committed $2.4 million to a revitalisation of the school classrooms.
Funding flows: Students and staff at St Thomas’ Primary School were overjoyed to learn the Victorian Government had committed $2.4 million to a revitalisation of the school classrooms.

The Victorian Government has announced the school will receive $2.4 million in funding for a redevelopment under the Building Fund for Non-Government Schools (Catholic).

St Thomas’ Primary School principal Matthew Uzkuraitis said the excitement had been palpable among the school community since the news was announced.

“Something we’ve been wanting to do for a while is upgrade the school, but unfortunately, it’s something we can’t do without some form of funding,” he said.

“For us to be successful securing the State Government funding is fantastic, and there’s certainly a bit of a buzz around the school community.

“It’s very exciting.

“It’s filtered through to the students so they’re very excited, as well as our current and future families, and even generational families who have played such a big part in what makes St Thomas’ what it is.”

The funding will see the school’s classrooms rebuilt including enhancements to lighting, flooring, furniture and an emphasis on flexible learning spaces to ensure students thrive in educational spaces built for modern education.

The corridors connecting the classrooms will also receive a facelift, with plans to be formalised over the coming months.

According to the Victorian School Building Authority, construction is forecast to finish in the third quarter of 2026.

“The scope of the works will be classroom based, upgrading and refurbishing those along with the corridor spaces,” Mr Uzkuraitis said.


“We’ve got three junior classrooms and our middle-senior classrooms as well which we’ll work to get in to somewhat of a 21st century upgrade.

“We’ve got the architects coming in the next few weeks and we’ll work on the final designs.

“We’ll talk with staff and maybe have a sub-committee to run ideas through, and go from there, but it will be a bit clearer towards the end of the year in terms of having something up and underway.”

Mr Uzkuraitis said the improved facilities will support student wellbeing, which plays an integral role in improving academic results.

“If kids are going into a dynamic classroom with learning spaces in a 21st century modern environment, then hopefully their wellbeing will be great and the academic side of things will follow too,” he said.

“We’re really looking forward to seeing what the finished product will look like, and part of that is seeing the academic impact this will have for the students.”

Read More: Terang


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