17 April, 2024
Victory for Racquet Rangers
RACQUET Rangers enjoyed victory over Court Crusaders in the latest round of Terang badminton.
Rangers 345 points, nine sets defeated Crusaders 329 points, nine sets.
Declan and Darrell lost to David and Sam 36-41.
Rosie and Chantelle lost to Belinda and Lyn 37-42.
Sofyan and Darrell def Richard and Sam 42-36.
Amber and Chnatelle lost to Tina and Lyn 36-42.
Sofyan and Declan lost to Richard and David 29-42.
Amber and Rosie def Tina and Belinda 42-30.
Darrell and Chantelle def Sam and Lyn 41-40.
Declan and Rosie def David and Belinda 42-27.
Sofyan and Amber def Richard and Tina 40-29.
Badminton Blitzers 334 points, eight sets def Shuttle Smashers 329 points, 10 sets.
Tony and Ryan lost to Jason and Geoff 36-42.
Chloe and Lavina lost to Gayle and Leanne 33-41.
Phil and Ryan def Ben and Geoff 37-31.
Maureen and Lavina def Kate and Leanne 35-33.
Phil and Tony def Ben and Jason 39-36.
Maureen and Chloe lost to Kate and Gayle 33-42.
Ryan and Lavina def Geoff and Leanne 42-32.
Tony and Chloe lost to Jason and Gayle 37-42.
Phil and Maureen def Ben and Kate 42-30.