

17 April, 2024

Victory for Racquet Rangers

RACQUET Rangers enjoyed victory over Court Crusaders in the latest round of Terang badminton.

Victory for Racquet Rangers - feature photo

Rangers 345 points, nine sets defeated Crusaders 329 points, nine sets.

Declan and Darrell lost to David and Sam 36-41.

Rosie and Chantelle lost to Belinda and Lyn 37-42.

Sofyan and Darrell def Richard and Sam 42-36.

Amber and Chnatelle lost to Tina and Lyn 36-42.

Sofyan and Declan lost to Richard and David 29-42.

Amber and Rosie def Tina and Belinda 42-30.

Darrell and Chantelle def Sam and Lyn 41-40.

Declan and Rosie def David and Belinda 42-27.

Sofyan and Amber def Richard and Tina 40-29.

Badminton Blitzers 334 points, eight sets def Shuttle Smashers 329 points, 10 sets.

Tony and Ryan lost to Jason and Geoff 36-42.

Chloe and Lavina lost to Gayle and Leanne 33-41.

Phil and Ryan def Ben and Geoff 37-31.

Maureen and Lavina def Kate and Leanne 35-33.

Phil and Tony def Ben and Jason 39-36.

Maureen and Chloe lost to Kate and Gayle 33-42.

Ryan and Lavina def Geoff and Leanne 42-32.

Tony and Chloe lost to Jason and Gayle 37-42.

Phil and Maureen def Ben and Kate 42-30.


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