General News
31 May, 2024
We’re halfway there!
SOUTH West Healthcare has celebrated a significant milestone in its $562,000 Camperdown Residential Aged Care Appeal.

The appeal received a $55,200 donation from the Collier Charitable Fund on Wednesday, bringing the appeal past the half-way mark.
The Collier Charitable Fund is a charitable foundation established in 1954 in the wills of sisters Alice, Annette and Edith Collier which provides cash grants for those in need, including to support public hospitals.
Appeal manager Suzan Morey said she couldn’t be happier with South West Healthcare’s fundraising efforts.
“In just 11 weeks, the generosity of individuals, families, businesses, our own staff – and now the Collier Charitable Fund being the first trust to come on board – has helped us raise $324,000,” she said.
“The Collier Charitable Fund donation means we can tick-off the furnishing and equipping of another six bedrooms.
“This leaves us to fundraise for the furnishing/equipping of 15 remaining bedrooms, as well as other identified needs including a $4000 TV and $5000 piece of equipment for the indoor gym, $20,000 for outdoor furniture and a pair of commercial barbecues, and $4850 for the decking out of the hair and nail salon.”
The appeal is raising funds to furnish South West Healthcare’s $39.6 million Camperdown Residential Aged Care facility, which will replace the existing 48-year-old Merindah Lodge building.
The new facility, which is being built beside the Camperdown Hospital, has 36 bedrooms with ensuites (including special purpose, disability compliant, and couples’ rooms) grouped in small households to create home-like environments.
Ms Morey said the appeal was also helping to furnish the various additional areas being included in the new facility.
“Incorporating best practice, evidence-based aged care design underpinned by dementia-friendly principles, there are multiple resident and family living and dining spaces including discreet quiet indoor, outdoor and activity-dedicated areas,” she said.
“Inside there’s a community café, a gym, a reflection space and a hair and nail salon.
“Outside, extensive landscaping will promote physical and mental wellbeing and encourage social interaction via a kitchen garden, a purpose-built aged care persons’ exercise circuit and multiple spaces for families and friends to come together.
“The architecture maximises stunning views towards the lakes and craters Camperdown is so well-known for.”
Ms Morey is encouraging residents to make a donation to the appeal as the financial year draws to a close, with donations above $2 being tax deductible.
“This is our one chance to make this new residential facility for some of our most vulnerable community members the very best it can be,” she said

Read More: Camperdown