5 September, 2024
Help out before committee unveils scenic lookout
MEMBERS of the community are invited to roll up their sleeves for a community planting day at Mt Noorat prior to the official opening of the much-anticipated viewing area.

Members of the Mt Noorat Management Committee are planning to host the annual Mt Noorat Community Planting Day on Sunday, September 15 to revegetate areas of the mount with Indigenous native species.
Committee member Graham Arkinstall said this would be the third year the committee has hosted an annual planting day, which was designed to enable members of the community to get involved with the mount.
“It’s part of enacting the Mt Noorat Management Plan, with the planting of Indigenous plants on some of the reserve,” he said.
“We really encourage the community to get involved with this part of the management plan.
“Anyone who would like to lend a hand from 10am to 12pm is asked to meet at the start of the walking track.
“Please bring gloves, a drink bottle or thermos and wear sturdy boots as the planting will take place on uneven ground and slopes.
“Children are also invited to help, but must be supervised by an adult.”
Mr Arkinstall said a light lunch will be provided afterwards before the Acciona Mortlake South Wind Farm viewing area is officially opened, thanks to a $50,000 fund from the wind farm developer.
“We’ll be unveiling a plaque at the designated lookout area,” he said.
“We certainly appreciate Acciona’s support for the project to date – they’ve been fantastic.”
The viewing area includes a walking track, information and directional signage, stone placement and other infrastructure to further attract visitors to the iconic landmark.
The 2023-2024 Mt Noorat Annual Report, which was received by Corangamite Shire Council in July, showed the iconic landmark had enjoyed an eight per cent increase in visitation at 790 visitors each month.
“Going forward the committee has plans for major upgrades of the viewing platform over the crater and shelter,” Mr Arkinstall said.
“This will all be designed sympathetic to the landscape.
“I suspect there is no doubt the upgrades have added to a bigger range of people feeling they’re equipped to get themselves up to what is a great volcanic site with magnificent views.”
Also revealed in the annual report was the Mt Noorat Management Committee members had contributed 600 volunteer hours over the year, with an additional 200 hours from community volunteers – totalling around $20,000 in in-kind labour.
Mr Arkinstall said volunteers, such as those willing to put their hand up for the upcoming Mt Noorat Community Planting Day, were the catalyst for success the landmark has enjoyed.
“Without the hours volunteers contribute, there is no project,” he said.
“They are absolutely indispensable, and for the hours which come outside of the committee are hugely appreciated by everyone on the committee.”
The committee also has plans for late October in which they plan to host a smoking ceremony and a guided First Nations cultural tour of the mount.
More details will be published in upcoming Western District Newspapers editions when details are finalised.
Read More: Noorat